I’m Gitima Sharma. Based on a deep resolve to impart hope, sense of purpose, and joy in people’s hearts through empathetic dialogues and encouragement-based conversations, I pursued my Masters degree in Counseling from Michigan State University and Ph.D. in Counselor Education from The Pennsylvania State University. During my late adolescence, I myself dealt with lack of hope and joy due to my parents' struggle with depression and my own low self-esteem. Through consistently seeking a sound philosophy as a compass to guide my own life, I awakened to the limitless potential, dignity, and profound purpose of my and everyone else's life. Overtime, not only my family became truly happy and harmonious, but I also mustered the courage needed to pursue a career path through which I could support countless people to transform their hardships into greater purpose and enjoy a life of both - personal well-being and career success.

I have worked as a professor, counselor, and scholar - publishing more than 25 research–based articles on life purpose, meaning, happiness, hope, mental health, personal development, and career identity.

As the founder of CoachInspire, I integrate all my professional experiences, research, and humanistic approaches to life coaching to support diverse groups of people to transform their present hardships that might be contributing to their feelings of being overwhelmed and stressed into the fuel for living a fulfilling life of purpose, meaning, personal growth, and success.

I also support educational institutions and business organizations by providing motivational speeches, seminars, and workshops that inspire meaning at work, passion, motivation, work-life balance, well-being, positive coping, interpersonal growth, and a strong sense of identity. At a personal level, I am a mother of two young children, which makes me even more determined to create a society where each person can tap into their life’s highest potential and live in alignment with their unique strengths, values, and purpose.


Gitima Sharma, Ph.D.
Life Coach and Motivational Speaker

(864) 531-8245

[email protected]