A 12 weeks transformational program to help you cultivate a strong sense of purpose, identity, and motivation for realizing your life's vision and potential - Undefeated by stress and feelings of overwhelm.



↳ You want to live a truly fulfilling life in which you achieve both - professional success and personal well-being.

↳ You want to experience a greater sense of purpose and meaning in life, at work, and in your relationships.

↳ You want to achieve clarity and confidence to fulfill your personal, interpersonal, and professional goals without being defeated by feelings of stress and overwhelm.

↳ You want to foster internal strengths, access external resources, develop an actionable plan, and establish a strong momentum for fulfilling your dreams and vision.

↳ You want to tap into your life’s limitless potential and motivation - truly awakened to the dignity, profound purpose, and inherent strengths of your life.

It’s Time for a Breakthrough!!!


The CoachInspire Motivation Program

A 12 weeks Transformational Program that will strengthen your sense of purpose, personal well-being, and professional success through helping you to

(1) Gain a deeper understanding about your life’s true values, goals, and passions for stepping into your own life’s story and power.
(2) Process life experiences and emotions in a way that is true to yourself - without the fear of judgment and need for approval.
(3) Practice self-care and positive coping to overcome feelings of stress and overwhelm.
(4) Reframe self-defeating beliefs into a self-empowering mindset, and truly awaken to the vast potential and inherent strengths of your life.
(5) Tap into your internal resources of courage and motivation, and develop an actionable plan to realize a life of your vision.


The CoachInspire Motivation Program is one of the most comprehensive programs that will support you with (a) Six individual life coaching sessions, (b) Four group sessions and presentations, (c) Consistent encouragement and community support, and (d) Access to evidence-based tools and strategies.

Personalized Life Coaching

You will be able to book six individual life coaching sessions with Gitima based on your schedule. The focus of these sessions will be to provide you 1:1 support that will help you to connect with your vision, address the root causes behind your current feelings of stress and overwhelm, process self-defeating thoughts and emotions, and further awaken to the vast potential and inherent strengths of your life.

Community Support

You will have access to four live group sessions that will help you receive empathetic support, resources, and accountability needed to fulfill your goals, realize your life’s vision, and overcome feelings of overwhelm and stress. These group sessions will focus on themes of: (a) Self-Awareness and Identity, (b) Life Purpose, Meaning, and Motivation, (c) Hope-Centered Goal Setting and Fulfillment, and (d) Self-Care and Positive-Coping.

Evidence-Based Tools and Strategies

You will gain access to online, evidence-based tools and strategies that you can engage with based on your own time availability and schedule. These activities are based on the research-proven purpose-focused transformation that will help you to clarify your life’s vision, deepen conviction and confidence in your own life’s potential, develop an actionable plan to fulfill your short-term and long-term goals, and practice self-care for realizing both - personal well-being and professional success.


The CoachInspire Motivation Program combines individual life coaching sessions with greater community support and research-based resources that have helped diverse groups of people to unlock their life’s potential and experience, a renewed sense of purpose, motivation, and confidence. Thereby, supporting you in the most comprehensive, personalized, and empathetic way to fulfill your goals and achieve the success and well-being you envision.

As a result of engaging in this program, you will:

★ Achieve a strong sense of identity - fully awakened to your life’s inherent worth, dignity, and potential.

★ Tap into the internal strengths and access the external resources needed to persevere on your chosen path with much greater clarity, confidence, and motivation.

★ Build an empowering mindset, emotional capacity, and momentum for realizing all your goals through stepping into the true power of your life.

★ Feel empowered with effective, research-based strategies that will support you to remain undefeated by current concerns, stress, and feelings of overwhelm.

★ Awaken to your life’s limitless possibilities and boundless hope to enjoy a life of your vision that shines with both - professional success and personal well-being.

★ Find your real squad and community support that will provide you with consistent encouragement and accountability needed to live a truly meaningful, purpose-driven, and fulfilling life.


You can also schedule a free breakthrough session to discover how this program can help you achieve your desired outcomes and positive transformation.