Career Development Services


I provide career counseling and career guidance services to people from diverse backgrounds and age groups to make career decisions, achieve career growth and success, and also experience a greater sense of well-being and mental health at work. My approach is strengths-focused, evidence-based, and purpose-driven. Some of the core processes that I follow are based on my research (Sharma & Yukhymenko-Lescroart, 2022) on fostering a sense of purpose in relation to career development:

1. Exploration - I support clients in exploring who they are and what they aspire to dedicate their life to - using tools that promote self-awareness, such as values clarification assessments and career clarity tools.

2. Engagement - I help clients to actively engage with the causes and goals they feel passionate about and develop actionable strategies to fulfill their short-term and long-term goals.

3. Reflection -I use empathetic listening to create a safe space where clients can process their

thoughts, feelings, and experiences and gain a deeper sense of purpose, meaning, and motivation on their career path.

4. Articulation -I use therapeutic strategies such as the narration of a story, mindfulness, art, and a vision board to help clients communicate their values, hopes, goals, strengths, and life's vision.

5. Actualization - I support clients to get unstuck, overcome present barriers, tap into their inherent strengths, and access the resources they need to fulfill their life's most cherished goals that might be personal, relationship-oriented, and/or career-focused.

If you are aspiring for greater career development but feeling overwhelmed due to a lack of clarity and resources, I encourage you to contact me today. Even with just the first free breakthrough session, you will be able to gain goal clarity and discuss specific career growth strategies. The price is based on a sliding scale with lower cost for students and those starting their career exploration.


• Free Breakthrough Session
• Humanistic
• Personalized
• Motivational
• Culturally-Competent
• Genuine Dialogues
• Respectful and Meaningful Conversations
• Purpose-Driven
• Evidence-Based
• Research-Based

Book Free Discovery Session